Friends With Business

Expand Business Beyond Friend Zone

β€’ Carl Gray III β€’ Episode 22

Got a business idea but feeling trapped? Allow us to help break those chains. This episode takes a deep dive into the concept of the 'business friendzone', discussing how reliance on friends and family as your customer base can pose a hindrance to your growth potential. But don't fret, we also provide practical strategies to expand your reach and escape those limitations.

Carl shares his personal journey of launching his ethical hacking classes, an endeavour that earned him a cool $5,000! He generously provides insights into his '4-Day to Launch' program and how it can be a valuable resource for budding entrepreneurs. 

Join us, as we collectively redefine our business strategies, embarking on this enlightening journey from the 'friend zone' to the 'stranger zone' in business. It's time to charge what you're truly worth and grasp that much-desired time freedom. Let's talk business, growth, and success!

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Speaker 1:

People don't often appreciate those who they are close to or have already made an investment in. There's a certain level of entitlement that comes with it. It was good, everybody All right. So, as promised, today I want to talk about the frame zone, right, and you know I had to move stuff around because I don't normally have my office set up like this and I actually got to make a run out of coordinates early earlier in the day because I have a whole lot to do. But I want to talk about the frame zone right when it comes to business, you know. You know everybody's heard about a friend zone. It comes with relationships and no one likes to be stuck in the frame zone, right. So when we're talking about a frame zone, I want to define it first, because that's supposed to be important. The frame zone in business. You know I'm going to talk about what it is in relationships where you're kind of like stuck in a place, you know, trying to get something out of somebody. You're not going to get any kind of stuck there and you're exerting a lot of effort with little return. That's very similar to the business frame zone, except for the way out. You know there's two different. There's a way out of the relationship frame zone and then there's a way out of the business frame zone, which is completely different. In the business frame zone there is pretty much when you are relying on friends and family to be your customers. You know, you look on your Facebook feed. You know you're only sharing the Facebook, where you're only sending text messages, or you know you're kind of like, hey, y'all you know, like, for instance, you know, when I was in photography, when I operated in the frame zone, I kind of depended on friends and family to use me. You know, whether it be for weddings, birthday parties, photo shoots, whatever it was, you know like, hey, I live there. The good thing was I had a very large network of people, so I was able to live there for a while and continuously make money. The problem with that is, when you're in the frame zone, there are a number of things that will not work for you. Number one you will not be able to ever charge the amount that you're worth. The reason is because people don't often appreciate those who they are close to or have already made an investment in. There's a certain level of entitlement that comes with that. If I okay, so if, if I've known you for 20 years and you know we've gone through this and that and I, you know, I was at your baby shower and I did this. We went to school together. They already feel like they've already invested in you so they don't have to invest in more.

Speaker 1:

You know, like special family, there's certain people in my life I would dare not charge anything for my services, like I can't do it. I mean, I had one sister from my assembly, my church, she, you know I did a photo shoot for her and like she had to make me accept money from her and that's because I value that relation ship. And so you know, it's like it doesn't always even on my end, it doesn't feel right charging the full price because of the things that you know, that that that have been imparted into me, like my pastor, anything I have it's free version because of what you know she imparted in me. You know my mom, dad, same thing anyway. So that's number one you'll never be able to charge what you want to charge.

Speaker 1:

Second thing is that you don't really know how good you are when it comes to business. You, you may know that. You, you know that your cakes are bomb, like your cakes are great, you know if you're a baker, or you know the service that you provide is top-notch, but you always have those people who fill a certain way about you, who always give you that positive feedback, and you may miss some holes in your business model. So you don't really know how good your marketing is. You know for sure, because you haven't tried to get anybody outside of the system. And then, last but not least, there's very little level for actual growth, expansion and scale, which is what we all want to do in business, because it's actually required that you grow, your expanding, you scale, otherwise it'll end up turning into another nine to five as opposed to a viable business.

Speaker 1:

Now that we've established what the friend zone is and you know what is what the problem with that is, and another problem is that you'll get frustrated. Frustrated when your friends or your family don't use your services when they got doing what you want them to do. You know I've talked before about how you you'll see those posts on social media, what people say. You know I wish you would support your friends and family business fans. You support Beyonce's album. Well, there's a different relationship there. You know they have. You know the relationship with them and their family is a lot. They go into that. You know, if you were in the hospital, they show up. You know, if you were in dire need, they would show up, but they're not necessarily supposed to be there to support or keep your business afloat, as opposed to you know, beyonce, I think, if she goes to the hospital, not, I mean well, well, let me not say if you were gonna show up to probably knocking on the door, that'd be the head or there. But the main relationship there is a consumer producer relationship, and so Now let's talk about how to get out of the friend zone, right, and I'm gonna do a little illustration for this, and hopefully this, this makes sense to you all, you know.

Speaker 1:

If it doesn't, you know, feel free to ask me questions. But this is you, you are a doc, this is you, this is your business, this is your product, this is your service. Right, and let's say, this is the circle around you. We're gonna put you in cash register, right here. Right, so this is kind of your or your space to the social distance place where nobody really steps in, but around here are your friends and family, they're their own guys, right, it doesn't take much effort to get from here to here, right, which is why this is why this is operating in the friend zone. This is your friend zone. This is just that some people may have found out, some of you have found out that, no matter what, this is your friend zone, right? So, in business relationship to ways, so there's one way going this way, one way going that way. So we're gonna go in here, and I mean line here, line there.

Speaker 1:

So the effort that it takes to reach them is Middle, because you already know them, kind of know what they, like they. You have a rapport, all of those things, and we talked about that. In my foot is the launch plan, or footage For days of launch dot com, where you actually do market to these people in order to get your business off the ground, but you don't want to remain there. So you know it kind of gets there. You know you like you like you know it's really easy. But also there's no effort for them to you, meaning they don't pay for a price. Well, they may put a place for prices from what you put there, but they won't pay your worth. Very few of them will pay your worth, which means your pricing will never go up when you operate here, which means that you won't grow. You won't see. Chances are, if you stay here, your pricing is going to go down because you want up this market. You know, I already got that from you. I already got something from you, so you got to bring your price down. You can't really go up.

Speaker 1:

So this is the friend zone that you operate in now. This is their circle Outside. So this is so. Let's just say, all these people here are connected to the more people, and then you have an Expensive market, right? So in order to get out of the friend zone, you want to get into their friend zone first, right? So you know, this is where you know turning them into your street team and Teaching them how to market your business, all the things that we talked about in four days to launch, how to turn your, your friends and family into your street team, about a radical service and giving them the marketing materials, even though they don't know that they're doing it. So they got these.

Speaker 1:

How long it's taking me to get these dots? That's because there are more people to reach here and this is how you begin to scale, right? So it's very because it's a lot harder to get here, right, it's a whole lot harder to get here a whole lot longer. But because the effort is there and Because you have a go-between being the people in your friends and family circle like the effort, their effort becomes a little bit less and sort of willing to pay more. They're willing to pay more because you're using you know your friends, your family and you're using their social equity to be able to charge the price that you want. So put it all together. So what you want to do first is figure out a way and you know we can talk about that. We'll figure out a way how to help you to expand your market outside of your friends and family circle, like where you are going in and you're actually helping them to market you based upon that, and so you're able to charge them.

Speaker 1:

This is when you begin to grow, you begin to scale and you begin to see more information and the relationship is a. You know their one degree of separation. So they all fell entitled to you. Now they may hold you to a standard and your friends may hold you to a standard. That's right until we have, because you've come highly recommended. So that's a little bit of pressure that exists in this, you know, in this second level of friend zone. You know this is an associate zone, not even an associate, but even further than that, it's just based upon the relationship.

Speaker 1:

But what you really want to get is out here, right, this is strangers. These are people that don't know you. They may not even know people that know you. They may not even know the people that know the people that know you. This is just the general public. These are people who just come across. You know that you really want to get, because they are the ones that are willing to pay the value for what you have and what you need. These are the ones that pay the top dollar because they're only coming to you because they have a need for desire. Right, they're not doing it because of the relationship. They're doing it because your marketing has said to them that they need you, that they want you and, as you can see, this is taking a lot longer, even if just fill this circle halfway up than you did.

Speaker 1:

Fill these circles, right, like I'm taking, it's probably more dots out here already than there are in these dots here combined, and I'm just getting halfway through and I want to get all the way around, because this is what this is where you want to be, because this is where the money was at. This is where scaling happened. This is where growth happened. This is when you where you're getting your time freedom back comes in Is when you start to get here. You are out of the friend zone when you get here. Now, the thing about getting out of that friend zone is that it does take a lot more effort on your part, and when I get around to the other side and this is filled up, then I will finally be actually being being to tell you what that is. But I'm I'm doing this because I want you to see the demonstration of exactly how many people this includes, how many people this can tell how much money this could be.

Speaker 1:

Imagine if every dot right here was a dollar or $2 or $10, whatever it is, because, like I said, you're able to raise your prices out here, because this is where demand actually is. You know, this is where the $400 Beyonce tickets lie. You know Beyonce model will pay $400 to go to her concert. She goes on for free. You know what I'm saying. I don't know her name. God probably do the Knowles model or whatever. Blue Abby did become in for free. She didn't get on space. You're back paid fans all that. She'll never pay for her mother's stuff, you know so. She's not her mother's target audience. So this is where you want to be.

Speaker 1:

Now let's talk about how you get there. The way you get there is a three step process. You know number one you need to identify what these people look like. That's creating that target market, that avatar we're able to identify. You know who these people are, that you can reach them, figure out how to reach them. You know what makes them tick. You know how much they're willing to spend, how much they have. All those things are very, very, very important in you and you finding out who this market is outside of the friend zone, because, remember, we're talking about escaping the friend zone.

Speaker 1:

So when you get here, to your out here, you want to know who they are. Second is you need to figure out how to reach them. You know whether it's going to be some form of advertising, like you're going to have to invest in the advertisement to get them there. You know so a lot of times, whether it's, you know, doing a commercial, going Facebook ads, doing, you know, going out, doing webinars, there are many ways to do it, but the fact is, you know this is going to take your effort, mind you. Can we get to here?

Speaker 1:

So these people are here and they're swimming out here, living on it. Because you don't want to live here, you want to escape, because you want to get to the point where these are your friends or family circle. You're not dependent on them. You know, even as a matter of fact, they can get your services or your goods for next to nothing. You know, and then their associates actually begin that the.

Speaker 1:

When you, when these people start getting a separate, free and they're no longer you know these people in their circle and all along the tagging along on their name, what happens is this Be used to happen with this less of a, there's more of a separate, there's less of a separation, excuse me, there's less of a separation between the associate level and the masses. So these people actually become the masses and because they've heard of you and they have a certain connection to you, they want to be connected. But the only reason to really be connected is about paying full price. You see how that works. So then you're out of the friend zone. So, and then the last thing that you need to do is Standardize your offer, standardize your process, standardize the things you do, because you're gonna have to begin to produce at scale. You gotta be able to produce at a higher level, a lot faster, a lot smarter and a lot more consistent, because these people out here are gonna want to know that what you get, that what you give them, they're gonna get every time. So this person talks, this person, this person talks to this person that all have gotten the same quality of service, they've all gotten the same standards of service and things like that.

Speaker 1:

So If you want to get out of the friend zone, the first thing that you do is you begin to have the people who are your friends or who have been supporting. You have them to reach out to the other people. You know you have to train them and there's a way to do it. You know, reach out and we'll talk about how to train these people on how to and it's a lot of times it's very young, it's not on purpose, not what I was hey, come, sit out and train. Now you train them in a way by giving them good service and giving them the methodology to do so. But what you end up doing is, you know you get them to talk to their circle right and then from there You're using the capital that you've made in both the friend zone and that associate zone to invest in yourself.

Speaker 1:

Chances are, you cannot do this out here as a solopreneur. You cannot. You have to get help, whether it's hiring consultant like myself, of course I'm gonna do shame as well, I have to get there or it's, you know, hiring staff, whatever it may be. You know taking training, the courses was completely outsourcing people, portions of it. You have to, you're gonna have to invest in doing that, because there's no way that you can do it on your own. Nobody who's ever gotten out here has done it by themselves. But you, like I said, the key is you know you create that and you begin again. You begin this scaling process of standardizing, of identifying that target market, all these things. You are developing them when you're in the friend zone and associate zone, but you actually put them in the use out here. And when you begin to put them in the use out here, that's when you begin to see it and you'll never be in the friend zone again, because everybody hates the friend zone, right.

Speaker 1:

So have any questions. Comments concerns metaphysical speculations. Please, please, please, feel free to hit me up. You can reach out and go to discoverylaunchrecallcom. Set an appointment If you would like the automated version of 4 Days to Launch. It is actually on sale right now. Go to 4daysdlaunchcom and you'll get it and you'll enjoy it. And remember I will be a set of customers for your launch product. So reach out to me. Let me know what's good and that's about it. See y'all later.

Speaker 1:

I launched my ethical hacking classes where I teach people how to protect themselves online, and I made $5,000. My first time was live with it and it continuously made $20,000 the first month. So I'm telling you, this works. That is my solution. And in my 4 day to launch program, you work with myself, you work with my team. We use our templates, our methodologies to get you off the ground. You're in the room with other entrepreneurs who want to help you.

Speaker 1:

Now I'm telling you you may be hesitant, but I don't want you to be in the same position next year, when you haven't started fulfilling your dreams, you haven't started doing what you want to do, you haven't started doing what you want. We don't want you to experience this pain again. Let's get you making this money. Let's be real. That's what it's about. You want to be able to make an honest living.

Speaker 1:

So click the link below Sign up. Let's get to work and come to my webinar. Let's see how this works. We can work together and, as I've said before, I will be your seventh customer. You go through my program and we get you a viable offer that I help you develop. I'll be your seventh customer. Even something that I'll never use in my life, I will still purchase it and give it to somebody else. So let's go 4daytolaunchcom. Let's make it happen. Are you the person who's been thinking about starting their business forever? You know you have an idea. You have something on your mind and your heart that you've been wanting to do for so long. You just haven't got it off the ground. Well, I'm Carl Gray and I'm a business law specialist.

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