Friends With Business

Building Trust and Relationships through Knowledge Sharing

Carl Gray III Episode 19

Ever wondered why some entrepreneurs effortlessly attract clients, investors, and opportunities? The secret might surprise you: generosity with knowledge. Today's episode challenges the conventional belief of hoarding information and instead, presents a powerful argument for sharing as a tool for credibility and relationship building. 

We explore the ethos of helping others succeed, proving how this practice can open up a world of opportunities, even with people who may never become clients. Secure your seat now and transform your business dreams into reality with us.

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Speaker 1:

If you're not willing to open your mouth and share, then you're not going to have the opportunity to be, to be fed back into it. If that makes sense, good job. So what I want to talk today about is not being afraid to give away knowledge. Like what? What does that even mean? Why is that even important? Well, let's talk about it. You know, a lot of times, you know, especially when we're starting out or we're business owners, we're afraid to tell people what we do or how we do it, or like things that we consider, you know, like, oh, it's our secret sauce, or that kind of stuff. Now, I'm not saying you give away the secret sauce, like the intimate stuff about what you do, but don't be afraid just to be free and sharing. When you're talking to people, especially potential clients, potential partners, things like that, you know, don't be afraid that they're going to do what you do. Oh, they want to take my idea, or they may be able to, you know. Or if I tell them too much, they won't hire me, all that type of stuff. Don't worry about that. I just want to encourage you not to worry about giving away knowledge, because it can be very, very beneficial. That's one of the things that I do.

Speaker 1:

On these I give away knowledge, literally. You don't have to be a client. You don't have to be a customer, you don't have to work with me, you don't have to follow me. You know, I appreciate if you do speak English. My band is up at the bottom, but all of those things you know. You don't have to be any of that for you to come on here. You can go back into the archive. Go on my YouTube channel. I got all the videos I've done posted up there. Hey, no particular order. You go there and get as much knowledge as you want from me, as much as what I've said. I have no problem sharing it because I think it's very, very important to do that. So I wanted to share with you why I believe actually giving away your knowledge for free is beneficial to you and the reason I found it beneficial to me. Number one it reinforces, it validates you in the eyes of other people. It validates you in the eyes of potential customers. It validates you in the eyes of potential partners, investors, things like that, because you start to share and you share knowledgeably and you just going off the top, you're not holding it back, and they can kind of feel, okay, this person knows what they're talking about and it is going to come off the top saying this type of stuff. How much more will they do when I paint them? How much more will they do when I'm working with them, working for them, all of that type of thing, partnering with you, all of those things.

Speaker 1:

So, but when you hold back from your knowledge, when you're like I don't want to share this, I don't want to say that you know, being in your tiki technique, I mean it will give them an error, it makes you sometimes feel like you're untrustworthy. It can make you sometimes feel like you know, maybe you don't know as much as you say that you know, because it's like, okay, well, what did you say? I mean you're in the precipice of saying it Just let it all out, right, no-transcript. That is what I believe will be good. So one of the things that I've learned is that when I begin to share and I start to share sometimes I feel like I'm over sharing or sharing too much about what it is that I do. Or you know stuff.

Speaker 1:

If they say I'm talking to a potential client and you know I see a solution for their business. I don't hold back, I really don't. I mean, I just want to put this up to just some people. If they scroll about it, you see what I'm talking about. Like, I don't really hold back and when I'm talking to them, main reason is because, you know, when they feel that I care about them, they feel that I'm talking to them. You know, my consultation calls is hopefully 15 minutes. I've actually never had a 15 minute discovery call that only lasts 15 minutes. They go at least a half an hour because I'm willing to just share and, you know, I tell them the strategies that they will be good for them. I tell them what I think they should do and then, of course, I make an offer to work with them. But whether they work with me or not, there's not limit how much I share with them initially. If maybe that's not a good fit, maybe they can't afford it, all of those things are, they're valid reasons, but I'm not going to, you know, check their pockets before I start sharing. I'm not even going to see how likely it is that I'm going to close them before I start sharing. I share freely, because this is not passion. This is what I would love to do Now, I know you probably heard the quote and I've said often the great Zig Ziglar said you can get anything in life you want by helping as many people get what they want in life, and so that's the ethos that I live by.

Speaker 1:

So I would encourage you, you business people, you entrepreneurs, you are owners of companies. Don't be afraid to give away your knowledge. Am I saying give away everything? Am I saying tell people your secret sauce? You know, let them see every little thing that you do. But if you're in the mode of sharing, if you're in the opportunity, if you have the opportunity to just, you know, be open with them. Don't hold back from your customers, from your potential customers, or even just from the public period.

Speaker 1:

I've often noticed that the more I share, the more I get myself like. I've had conversations with people who will never become clients. You know, telling them, helping them to build their businesses. You know, give them a great idea and I'll go to sleep that night and get another genius idea about something.

Speaker 1:

You know, as they say, a closed mouth does not defend. You can look at that from a number of different ways. You know, like yes, it means if you don't ask for something, then you may not get it. You probably won't get it, but it also can mean that if you're not willing to open your mouth and share, then you're not gonna have the opportunity to be fed back into it, if that makes sense, you know, because if you're not giving to anybody else, if you're not helping people to grow, if you're not helping people to understand, then you'll run the risk of nobody being willing to share with you. So many times I've had conversations with folks who are doing things and as I've shared with them, they've come back and shared more with me, like oh man, hey, can I use that?

Speaker 2:

Like hey, go ahead, man, we just have a conversation.

Speaker 1:

So that's the type of mode that you wanna be in. You don't wanna be in the mode of holding back, of not giving, of not you know, thinking like, hey, look, I'm not gonna tell nobody nothing, because if I tell them you know something that I did, they might steal my idea and I might never even make it. Then you know, they might treat they'd yeah, okay, you run that risk, but don't you believe that you're smart enough to come up with another good idea? I sure do. If somebody goes I got a book Saturday at this place somebody go online and they can buy 499 right now and take everything I said and use it all over again, I feel like I'm smart enough to come up with a new one. Maybe I can do a 6-day, a 5-day, a 4-day, whatever it is. I'm not afraid of somebody taking my ideas. I'm not afraid of somebody. You know I'm saying stealing my methodology, telling my customer. I'm not saying you know, I believe that the most I have blessed me with enough dollars to be able to do more and more every time, right? So that's what I wanted to share now if you want to know when, the next time, I'll be giving away knowledge. Of course I'm gonna do this. I encourage you to come to of our information that we're having on Thursday this Thursday, the 23rd one, we talking about our biggest business retreat. I think it's gonna be a wonderful time for people who really want to grow their business. You're gonna learn a whole lot about Growing, you know, getting Funding for your business, building business credit, marketing, but, more importantly, being in an environment with other entrepreneurs. That you know that, that, that route, mind, that, that that melody of the minds. We're gonna make partnerships with people, move forward and stuff that you want to do. You have that opportunity and I encourage you to come at least come to the information to find out what myself and Randy are gonna be doing Out there in Las Vegas.

Speaker 1:

That is just that it's not just about being there but, as I say, in the commercial, vegas has a representation of a place being built up from nothing. You know that's, that's its foundation. Yes, it is what it is today, but if first it was a desert, you know, and it was built from that, somebody saw an opportunity in the middle of a desert and now it's a thriving, multi-billion dollar City that it is today, with tourists coming in and out all times a year. This seasons Don't even go about months to go by days. That's how fast the dollar turns over there in Las Vegas. So we're going there for a reason as a representation of what what we as small business owners can do, even from nothing. So again, like I said, it closed off. Don't get fair. So what I tell you, come, ask me about, you know. Come to the event on this Thursday, it's free, you know no caution, and learn about what we're doing. No caution under here. I just recommend you come on, find out what we're gonna be doing. It's gonna be a great time out there and again, it's always.

Speaker 1:

If you have any questions, comments, concerns matter, physical speculations. If you want to be against one of my lives, if you want to set up a discovery call because you're ready to grow your business, please reach out. There's so many ways to get in contact with me more Facebook, twitter, linkedin, twitch. I'm kind of a tick tock, but I ain't quite learned it yet. No, I'm saying it's 40. We are 41, so tick tock might not do my thing yet, but I'm gonna get this one of these things.

Speaker 1:

She was dirt, um, but yeah, I say look, wait, comment like, share, pass along. Please subscribe. If you're on YouTube with Twitch, you know if I'm on LinkedIn, you probably see me go live every once in a while. I would love for you to jam the algorithm by by liking this, by sharing this, by putting something in the comments. I appreciate it. That really helps me. I'm not ashamed to answer that and I'm gonna be asking for much more More often. But if you're just getting here, I recommend, you know, subscribe so you get notified a little bit early when they come on and go back and watch this one. That's. I've talked about why I'm not afraid to give away knowledge and why you shouldn't be either, because you have the opportunity To help to grow other people, grow yourself and and even like we say that close mouth Don't get fed. So as you open your mouth to share knowledge with other people, people we were to open their mouths to share knowledge with you. All right, y'all have a good one. You.

Speaker 2:

I'm out here in Las Vegas, the home of Vegas business retreatcom, april 17th through the 21st. I'm at a place where people normally come and they bet on sports, they bet on dice, they bet on roulette table, all these places. But I want to invite you to bet on yourself. April the 17th through the 21st, join myself, black Phoenix manager group, a host of other entrepreneurs and special guests. We're gonna give you the chance to number one, escape from the regular hustling bustle of business and be out here in a Place that was built from the ground up, the same way that you're building your business. So I'm inviting you to come check out Vegas business retreat comm and learn what you could learn. This is for entrepreneurs who are serious about growing your business, serious about taking your stuff to the next level, not just and that's just all fun and games. We're here to learn. We're here to build you up, build each other. You're gonna love it. Of course, it's free. I should take it, you know, get a seat at two. But it's really about you going to the next step. It's really about you taking advantage of being around other entrepreneurs who are doing some of the same things that you're doing, going through some of the same things that you're going through and have the opportunity to learn how to grow, whether you want to invest more, get partnerships more, get get access to capital, build your business credit. So many things are going to be going over over these four intense days and, yes, we're gonna have some fun.

Speaker 2:

Like we said, the discursions out here, we're gonna give everybody a ticket to go see us. Sure, there's a lot that we'll be able to do, but, most importantly, it will change your Business. Come and bet on yourself. Come and bet on the things that you know that you can do, that You're good at that. You've been building and trying and pushing, and all it takes is one thing to go over the top. I'm gonna be heard about people who go on these amazing trips and go to these amazing Conferences and they learn so much and they come back so motivated. This is one of those. You want to be there. You do not want to miss this, so I'm looking forward to seeing you April 17th through the 21st. We only have 20 seats. It's not for everybody. It's only for those who are serious about growing their business. This is serious. You get out here and we will make it happen for you. You.

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