Friends With Business

The Podcast I listen to!

โ€ข Carl Gray III โ€ข Episode 24

Ever wanted to explore podcasts that perfectly blend business insights with wrestling entertainment? Brace yourself for an enriching journey as I share how wrestling podcasts like Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo's Channel have doubled as my source of entertainment and business acumen. Aren't you curious to see how I use these insights to inspire my team? It's your chance to hear about my preferences and how they've shaped my values.

Wrapping things up, let's discuss the importance of staying connected with your chosen podcasts and their hosts. Join me to understand the transformative role of podcasts in business and personal growth. Letโ€™s grab our earbuds and dive right into this captivating world of podcasts together!

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Speaker 1:

I love it. See, I want you to know that when you work with me other type of person that you're getting the things that I'm feeling and feeling myself with you know, to make sure that I'm up to date and I'm ahead of the game when it comes to serving you. I like to also help people to become cybersecurity experts, so staying ahead of the game on that is good too. Then there's Strictly Business with Eric Bischoff. As I said, I am a wrestling fan and it's funny that Ben's Bischoff, a good friend of mine, eric Bischoff. They don't really like each other but they think a lot the same about the business. It's really crazy how many times they agree on things. I wish you know. One of my dreams is that they would have actually come together and really worked together. I think the professional wrestling business would be in a completely different place. But I listen to Strictly Business because everything that I like, I like to know the business of it and he really focuses on that. They really dig down what's in numbers or what goes on. And hey, like I said, I hope one day they'll come together and at least just do a state of the wrestling thing. You know, and it's on the Conrad Thompson Network, who he's an excellent podcaster as well. So today I'm going to talk about the podcast that I listen to, and I know a lot of people spend a lot of time, you know, listening to music, and it soothes them or motivates them or helps them to work. But I spend, you know, hours a day of working, and the majority of that time I am listening to podcasts and getting information. Now, mind you, I do love music. I am actually a musician, I play percussion for years and I love it. See, so, yeah, so, yeah, you know, I mean it is something I enjoy doing. But now, in this phase of my life, I'm really focusing on business and helping people with their businesses, and I feel like it's up to me to really, you know, be really careful about what I hear. Like you know, they say the eyes are the windows, so I would say the ears are the windows to bring, and so you know what goes in my ears. I like it to be information, and so that's why I listen to podcasts. You know if I'm driving somewhere, if I'm sitting down, you know if I'm in the grocery store. You know, almost everywhere that I go, I have podcasts in my ears. So I just want to, you know, tell you all what I listen to, not just so much, you know, to talk about it. But I want you to know that when you work with me other type of person that you're getting the things that I'm feeling and feeling myself with, you know to make sure that I'm up to date and I'm ahead of the game when it comes to serving you. And so this is in no particular order. This is literally when I picked up my phone, went to the Podcast Republic app. This is kind of the order that all of them was in, but one of them actually isn't on, it's only on YouTube and I'll get to that.

Speaker 1:

One probably lags. So one of them is a channel attitude. So Vince Russo I know people like what it's a wrestling podcast. For the most part is a wrestling podcast.

Speaker 1:

Vince Russo happens to be a good friend of mine. He was the head writer for WWE during the attitude era. So the time when you know Stone Cold, the Rock DX, all of them was on top. You know I listened to his podcast because, honestly, I like his take on wrestling. I'm a professional wrestling fan and I like his take on wrestling and even the business of the business, and one thing that he focuses on a lot is storytelling, continuity and things of that nature, things that are very applicable to business, you know. And then you know his channel attitude is network has a number of different types of shows, like ours, those on there. He has these two geniuses, you know, to help them review Raw and Smackdown of Ben Hameen and Stevie Richards. Like hearing them. You know the way that they get pieces started to get a punch it up. It's just excellent. Always keeps your mind thinking. And then I've been a guest with Stevie Ray from Harlem Heat on his network talking about black and white issues. So he even gets into the politics. And Vince Russo is actually one of those open minded people that I've ever that I've ever met and I know some people don't say have good things to say about him, but I know the man personally and I could say he's a great dude. So that's one of them.

Speaker 1:

And then there's social proof, right, anybody who knows anybody. You know about David and Dottie. You know David is the king of podcasting and other. And Donnie is like one of the first and only mindset coaches that I can actually listen to, understand and really follow because of the way that not only does she talk about it but she implements, like she's a very strong implementer. So I really enjoy listening to them. And the other thing about the social proof podcast is it always challenges my thinking and it challenges me. There's some things that they say that really rub me the wrong way, but what it really does is it kind of exposes, you know, things that I need to get better. So I listen to them consistently, even when sometimes I think, let me feel bad. I'm like I'm gonna keep listening because anything that they say that makes me feel bad or something like that is really an area for me to improve. And so a shout out to them they're really good.

Speaker 1:

I actually went down to the podcast summit and you know that's one of the reasons why. You know he's actually one of the reasons I'm doing a podcast, because you know and listening to him and you know his theory that every archmerial should have a podcast. So shots off to them. And also I listened to Human Behavior Mastery on there with Doama Tonga. Like it's really really, really good on understanding who a person is and how they operate. Like I'm a high D on the disc assessment, 99d99i on the disc assessment. So it really even helps me to understand myself.

Speaker 1:

And then this Nikki and Moose look, I just stumbled across them because of my the algorithm. I ran into one of Nikki's ads and stuff and I was like dang yo, she's on point, like she's like a genius with this stuff. And you know, I was watching her live one day and she mentioned that she had a podcast and of course I immediately subscribed and it's something that I enjoyed. Like they really dig deep into methodologies of what's going on, you know, interviewing people who are doing things, and then, of course, of how, just the intricacies of social media, marketing and things like that. And they're a tough way. Like everything that they talk about is very much implementable. And so you know I'm quick to go hey, I've implemented some of their things almost immediately.

Speaker 1:

Then there's dark net diaries, right, dark net diaries is a podcast about hacking and you know I'm an ethical hacker. I'm an ethical hacker by trade. You know learnfromahackerscom, that's me. So you know I listen to that all the time just to stay up on stories and decide a security field, like you know, because I still do some of that on the side. I still do cybersecurity on the side, and I mean really. You know I like to also help people to become cybersecurity experts, so staying ahead of the game on that is good too.

Speaker 1:

Then there's strictly business with Eric Bischoff. As I said, I am a wrestling fan and it's funny that Vince Russo, a good friend of mine, eric Bischoff. They don't really like each other but they think a lot the same about the business. It's really crazy how many times they agree on things. I wish you know. One of my dreams is that they would have actually come together and really work together. I think the professional wrestling business would be in a completely different place. But I listen to strictly business because everything that I like, I like to know the business of it, and he really focuses on that. You know they really dig down, whether it's in numbers or what goes on, and pay. Like I said, I hope one day they'll come together and let's just do a state of the wrestling thing. You know in this on the Conrad Thompson Network who he's an excellent podcaster as well.

Speaker 1:

Then this one, derry Wondery, has a bunch of different. This is what I listen to for entertainment, right, but wonder, because you know I do like to be entertained, but they have like a business, wars, business movers, american history storytellers, American scandal, and it really just delves into a lot of of historical things in In the world of business, in the world of history majors, political science, of history from the greatest university on the planet, hands University, and so I like to listen to that for entertainment, you know. So even bringing in history, and so sometimes you'll hear me talk about things about the founding of a business and, like you know how the, the, the cereal, was actually started by the Kellogg's and you know, because it was they believed it was biblical for people to be healthy, and so Syria actually started off healthy. So it's like it's really tight.

Speaker 1:

Then there's the Maxwell leadership podcast by one of my favorite authors on the planet, john C Maxwell, and he's the foremost authority on leadership. He does an excellent job and you know he's a very moral person, a very person who, you know, really likes to serve, and so you know, being one who has often been in leadership positions, I'll say his book, one of his books, really changed my life. You know, 360 degree leader. I read that one day, I should read it in one day, and it changed my life and since that probably read about ten times and I read almost every book that he ever comes out with. So the Maxwell leadership podcast and, last but not least again I said this is not actually a podcast of YouTube channel is the Myron Golden and Anybody who's ever listened to him, like the man is a genius and I want to reason.

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I listen to him is because, you know, as a person who does believe the Bible, as Britain it's it's easy for me to listen to him because he backs up what he says in most cases with scripture in an irrefutable way. So you know, he's very much an authority on business and helping people to you know, scale their business, grow, make more sales, make more offers at all of that, um, but he backs it up with with the scripture, you know, and and that's something that I really respect. But even like, like I said, you know, those are what I mean. Other ones that I listen to, like jumping out there, you know, by my man, little J, and some other ones that I listen to Pretty often and periodically, but these are the ones I really kind of focus on. I make sure, if they pop up, I'm gonna watch it, I'm gonna hear, I mean, I'm gonna listen to it Because, again, it's what I like to.

Speaker 1:

It's not just what I enjoy, but I know it's what I need in order to help you, my customer. So, again, the reason that I even brought this up is because I want you to know what type of person you are. You know you're working with, like you know, these are the things that I value, these are things that I fill up my brain with, and you know, and shout out to all these people making these great podcasts you know all of them. You know, like I said, I highly regard them. So I met some of them. I've never met some of that, I never will me, but I highly regard everything that they do, even, as you know, it helps to feed me with, with, with, with, with the things that will help me to help you.

Speaker 1:

Because, you know, if I just know, I mean I'm grateful to have the great brain that God has gave giving me, but you know I'd be stupid not to want to continuously learn from other people. And so you know, hey, what's your favorite podcast? I'd love to know. Drop it in the comments, I might want to listen to it. I know my man, josh, just put me on the one. Wait, I'm trying to remember the name of it is, but it's pretty good too. You know, it's very just the. You know just gonna let y'all know. So go get under the influence with Terry O rally. It's a really good one too.

Speaker 1:

I haven't really gotten into it that much, but I like it. I probably gonna add it, to add it to my list, and it's about the ones that I listen to. But again, you know, you want to know the type of person you're dealing with, the type of information that I like to get. That's what it is. So the majority of the day, like if you see me walking down the street, I probably got a podcast going on in my you guys, hey, carl, what podcast you listen to? Almost any time of the day, you can ask me what podcast you listen to. I'll tell you. And what I think I'm gonna start doing is like doing episodes on my podcast about the stuff that I've learned from the podcast through the week, right? So, um, hey, just a reminder. You know, if you've gotten this far, like and subscribe, you know. Uh, I want, of course. I'm on YouTube. I'm on every major podcast platform friends with businesses podcast at friends with businesses on Instagram, yeah, but yeah, y'all Got some challenges coming up.

Speaker 1:

Follow me. You know you might want to put the notification bell on so you get this. Download this and, you know, review me online. A more Apple podcast on Spotify. All of the adjoints. No, give me five stars, you know, let the people know. If you enjoy this again, let me know, you know. Send me email, send me a text, send me a. Carry a picture. If you have any questions, comments, concerns or Metaphysical speculations, please let me know. Drioll.

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